Macau hotel guests from mainland rise 904 pct in July

2021-08-31 15:37
BY admin

Macau's 117 hotels and inns recorded 556,000 guests from the Chinese mainland in July, a year-on-year leap of 904.3 percent, the Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC) has announced. 

According to a DSEC statement on Monday, the total number of guests rose by 358.6 percent year on year to 697,000 in July. Mainlanders accounted for 79.7 percent of the total number. 

Local staycationers rose by 31.1 percent year on year to 107,000, accounting for 15.3 percent of all guests. Macau's population stood at 680,500 at the end of June. 

Guests' average length of stay grew by 0.1 night to 1.7 nights in July. 

The number of available guestrooms rose by 2.0 percent to 36,000 in July.

The statement underlined that data on hotels and inns used by the government for COVID-19 medical observation quarantine purposes were excluded from the statistical compilation. 

Guestrooms' average occupancy rate grew by 51.6 percentage points to 63.7 percent. 

In the first seven months, Macau's hotels and inns recorded 4.07 million guests, a year-on-year growth of 105.5 percent. 

The bureau pointed out that there were no inbound package tour visitors in July, while the number of visitors joining local tours reached about 5,000. 

Outbound residents using travel agency services totalled 21,000 in July, and 99.0 percent of them visited the mainland. 

In response to the COVID-19 threat, foreign nationals without the right of abode in Macau have been barred from entering the city. There are special entry regulations for mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan compatriots. 

Macau recorded its first COVID-19 case on January 22 last year. Its novel coronavirus tally stands at 63. No COVID-19 fatalities have been reported. 

Undated file photo of City Inn hotel on Rua de Cinco de Outubro – Courtesy of


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