CTM repairs major cable overnight

2021-09-01 03:45
BY admin

Prisca Tang

        As a major CTM communication cable in the city centre was damaged on a construction site on Monday, CTM’s technical team was working on emergency repairs until yesterday morning when the cable was “mostly fixed”, according to a TDM report yesterday.

The report said that the damaged communications cable chamber in Travessa do Roquete near Macau’s main square, Largo do Senado, was fixed in the morning before the start of the working day, adding that government entities and businesses nearby were able to access the internet. However, some users still had issues with their CTM service.

CTM Network Services Vice President Declan Leong Pui Hong told TDM that Monday’s incident took place at 5 p.m., with around 1,000 users affected by the damage, noting that his company received more than 400 calls about the interruption of service. He stressed that his company started immediately to repair the damage so that important facilities such as health centres could regain access as soon as possible. He underlined that the damage was severe, therefore the company was focusing first on the repair work, adding that after fixing the damage, CTM would discuss how to improve or change the underground facilities with the construction company.

When asked about the cost of the damage, Leong said that he would discuss the matter after the repairs had been completed.

CTM Network Services Vice President Declan Leong Pui Hong talks to reporters near the damaged communications cable chamber yesterday. Photo courtesy of TDM


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