4 professions being tested for COVID-19 once a week

2021-09-07 03:19
BY admin

Members of four professions will continue to have to undergo free COVID-19 tests every seven days, Tai Wa Hou, a clinical director at the public Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre, announced during yesterday’s regular press conference by the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre.

Tai said the measure, which was started some time ago, comprises medical personnel who are required to be in close contact with COVID-19 patients or their close contacts; those whose profession requires them to cross the border regularly as well as aircraft crew; those working in a hotel designated by the government for medical observation quarantine; and those employed by the cold chain industry.

Tai said members of the four groups are required to undergo nucleic acid tests at least once every seven days. However, some of them are required to be tested for COVID-19 every day because of their high-risk exposure, such as aircraft cleaners and civil aviation workers who regularly come in direct contact with international tourists.


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