Alliance for a Happy Home list focuses on women’s & children’s benefits

2021-09-08 03:28
BY admin

The Alliance for a Happy Home candidacy list (美好家園聯盟), the No.9 on the ballot paper for the upcoming direct legislative election, places special emphasis on measures promoting women’s and children’s rights and benefits.

The list’s political platform for the September 12 election comprises five major aspects, namely support measures for women and children, economic recovery, support measures for seniors and disadvantaged groups, youth development, and civil society development.

The list is the electoral vehicle of the Macau Women’s General Association (commonly known as Fu Luen in Cantonese) – one of the city’s biggest community associations.

The Alliance for a Happy Home list is headed by incumbent lawmaker Wong Kit Cheng, 39, a nurse by profession.

Wong was first elected in the legislature’s direct election in 2013, when she was the number-two candidate of the Progress Promotion Union (UPP) list, which then won two seats.

Wong was re-elected four years ago, when she headed the Alliance for a Happy Home list.

The UPP list had fielded candidates from the Macau General Union of Neighbourhood Associations (commonly known as Kai Fong in Cantonese) and candidates from the Macau Women’s General Association since 2001 – when the Macau Special Administration Region (MSAR) held its first direct legislative election – until four years ago when Kai Fong candidates and Fu Luen candidates ran on two separate lists – the UPP list and the Alliance for a Happy Home list respectively.

Both lists won one seat each four years ago.

Both associations are among the city’s biggest community associations.

As four years ago, Kai Fong candidates and Fu Luen candidates are running on two separate lists this time.

For Sunday’s direct election, the Alliance for a Happy Home list comprises 11 candidates. The list’s number-two candidate is Ma Io Fong, 37, a teacher by profession.

The platform urges the government to raise its birth allowance to 15,000 patacas, which currently stands at 5,418 patacas.

The platform also wants the government to raise the number of days for statutory paid maternity leave to 90 days from the current 70 days in the private sector.

The number of days for the private sector’s statutory paid maternity leave was raised to 70 days from the previous 56 days last year.

Amendments to the number of days for the private sector’s statutory paid maternity leave must be passed by the Legislative Assembly (AL).

The platform also urges the government to launch an application process for sandwich class housing flats within four years. The sandwich class housing scheme is still under planning.

The platform calls for a rise in seniors’ pensions. The platform also urges the government to raise its personal income tax exemptions and rebates.

The platform urges the government to boost economic activities in the city’s old quarters.

The platform wants the government to strengthen its measures to support young local people in five aspects, namely study, employment, start-ups, professional training and professional accreditations, and buying one’s first home.

The platform calls for the setting of a highly efficient public administration system.

The number-one candidate of the Alliance for a Happy Home direct-election list, Wong Kit Cheng (right) waves to a clothing stall holder in Iao Hon Market last week, as the number-two candidate Ma Io Fong looks on. Photo: Alliance for a Happy Home


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