Govt keeps minimum wage for cleaners & doormen unchanged

2021-09-20 03:12
BY admin

The Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) has announced that the government has decided to keep the statutory minimum wage for cleaners and doormen employed by the property management sector unchanged at 32 patacas per hour.

A statement on Saturday said that the government has made the decision after assessing the implementation of the minimum wage for the property management sector’s cleaners and doormen in 2019.

The city’s overall minimum wage system took effect on November 1 last year. All employees in the private sector – except domestic helpers and employees with disabilities – are covered by a statutory minimum wage of 32 patacas per hour. Previously, a statutory minimum wage of 32 patacas per hour was only implemented for the property management sector’s cleaners and doormen.

The now-defunct system on minimum wage for the property management sector’s cleaners and doormen required the government to review the amount every year since its launch. Yesterday’s statement pointed out that as the overall minimum wage system has replaced the minimum wage for the property management sector’s cleaners and doormen, the government will now review the minimum wage amount only every two years – as required by the new overall minimum wage law, instead of reviewing the amount every year.


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