Social welfare, culture bureaus make new COVID-19 arrangements

2021-09-29 03:40
BY Prisca Tang

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) said in separate statements yesterday that they have made new COVID-19 arrangements due to the current confirmation of eight new COVID-19 cases since Friday.

According to the IC statement, the bureau decided to cancel various arts and cultural performances, such as “The Butterfly Lovers”. The statement pointed out that due to the current COVID-19 situation in Macau, the performers will not be able to visit Macau. Moreover, the statement pointed out that the “Performance to Celebrate the 72nd Anniversary of the National Day of the People’s Republic of China” – Contemporary Acrobatic Show “The Butterfly Lovers”, scheduled for Friday, October 1, the OM Young Friends Concert “Classical Express – Rhythm of Tango” by Macau Orchestra scheduled for tomorrow, and the concert “Chen Sa” Piano Recital, integrated into the Macao International Music Festival – Music October, scheduled for Sunday, will all be cancelled.

The bureau said that it will also arrange refunds for those who have purchased tickets for the shows “Pulsating Morphosis” (scheduled for last Saturday) and “The Butterfly Lovers” from today to November 30. The statement said that the showgoers can contact their respective ticketing outlets to apply for refunds.

The statement also said that the activity “Enigma Box”, integrated in the “Show and Deep Cultural Tour in Taipa”, originally scheduled for Friday, and the outreach activity “Journey in Musical Corners”, integrated into the Macao International Music Festival – Music October, originally scheduled for October 2, 3, 9 and 10, will be postponed.

For more information, residents can visit the IC website at

IAS provides more beds at temporary shelter

In reference to the need for accommodation during the current COVID-19 situation, the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) has temporarily expanded the numbers of beds from 100 to 171 at its temporary shelter located in Rua Leste da Ilha Verde, Edifício do Bairro da Ilha Verde.

According to the statement, between Saturday and  noon yesterday a total of 454 people, 351 males and 103 females, stayed at the  shelter. The statement said that most of the users of the shelter are local employees who usually live in the mainland. The bureau urged employers to arrange accommodation for their non-residents workers as there are limited public resources. 


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