3 new COVID-19 cases trigger new govt arrangements

2021-10-05 03:50
BY Rui Pastorin and Prisca Tang

As three more local COVID-19 cases were confirmed yesterday, various government entities imposed a string of new arrangements in response to the latest developments of the pandemic in Macau.

IAS continues suspension of facilities & visits

The Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) announced yesterday that it would continue to temporarily suspend the operation of subsidised nursery facilities and non-residential and non-emergency social facilities to ensure the health and safety of all service users and staff members.

In all nursing and rehabilitation homes, family visits to residents’ rooms will also continue to be postponed, the statement pointed out, adding that family members can instead set up advance appointments to meet with the residents in the visiting areas by contacting the respective home, while bedridden residents can be contacted via video calls.

Moreover, the statement noted that residential homes, home-care services, and the rehabus service for emergency support will, however, remain operational.

The resumption of the facilities and services will be announced in line with the COVID-19 pandemic’s situation in Macau, the statement said.

The statement urged all non-subsidised facilities to cooperate and follow the government’s COVID-19 prevention measures, while hoping that members of the public will understand and cooperate with the measures as well.

DSAT external services stay suspended

Meanwhile, the external services provided by the Transport Bureau (DSAT) will continue to be suspended until further notice, according to a statement by the bureau yesterday.

The statement underlined that the suspended external services include the motor vehicle inspection centre in Cotai, motorcycle inspection centre in the peninsula, permanent centre for driving lessons and exams, the vehicle storage area at Estrada Flor de Lótus and the illegal vehicle storage area in Taipa, as well as driving lessons and examinations.

The statement pointed out that all the practice venues for the bureau’s driving tests have been temporarily closed. The statement added that driving examinations and vehicle inspections will also continue to be postponed. The relevant arrangements will be announced by the bureau, the statement noted.

The statement added that document collection services will be provided in Estrada de D. Maria II and China Plaza, while documents, bills and tenders can only be submitted in Estrada D. Maria II. The statement recommended that citizens check for updates on the website http://www.dsat.gov.mo/web_sp_status/services_status.aspx?lang=en in advance to avoid unnecessary crowds and lengthy waiting times on the DSAT premises.

IAM suspends services

Meanwhile, the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement yesterday that in order to facilitate the city-wide nucleic acid testing (NAT) and the Health Bureau’s (SSM) COVID-19 prevention and control work, the bureau has decided to suspend its services at the Northern District Public Services Centre – Toi San Station and the Northern District Public Services Centre-Fai Chi Kei Station until further notice.

Civil servants don’t need provide other NAT proof

The Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) announced last month that civil servants who haven’t been vaccinated against COVID-19 must display a new nucleic acid test (NAT) result every week . However, as the third round of citywide nucleic acid tests started last night, the bureau decided to suspend the regulation for another week, i.e., civil servants only need to abide by the government’s ongoing mandatory NAT drive and therefore do not need to provide their weekly NAT result. 


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