Govt urges public to take precautions due to storm heading towards Hainan

2021-10-08 03:51
BY Camy Tam

As the Macau Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) hoisted standby storm warning Signal No. 1 at 7 p.m. yesterday, various government entities issued notices to remind the business sector and the public to take precautionary measures.

The Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) and Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTM) sent out a joint statement yesterday to remind shop owners to take prevention measures due to the storm and high tide as flooding is expected to hit the Inner Harbour area.

Both urged enterprises, especially small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) located in the city’s low-lying areas to take precautionary and preventive measures against the expected storm and flooding so as to avoid loss of goods and equipment. Shop owners should pay close attention to the latest weather conditions released by local observatory, the joint statement said.

Shop owners who have installed anti-flooding equipment should doublecheck whether the flood control devices are in order, check out the installation procedures and make sure that their premises’ water pumps and other anti-flood facilities are in proper operation. If there are any doubts, they should contact their respective engineering companies or suppliers as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, a statement by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) yesterday urged all those in charge of cultural heritage property, especially those in low-lying areas, to take measures such as wind protection and flood prevention to provide timely and necessary protection of the property.

A statement by the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) yesterday reminded building contractors and citizens to take preventive measures for buildings and construction sites as soon as possible, such as scaffolding and cranes. The statement also said that buildings’ windows and outer walls must be in good order so that people’s safety can be ensured under the expected adverse weather conditions. The statement also said that people should not walk near construction sites.

For enquiries of labour safety guidelines for construction sites during a typhoon, visit, call 2840 0333 during office hours, or call 6288 6091 when typhoon warning signal No. 8 has been hoisted.

Meanwhile, according to an SMG statement late last night, Signal No. 1 may be replaced by Signal No. 3 at dawn today.

According to the SMG website, Signal No. 1 means that a tropical cyclone is centred within 800 km of Macau and may affect the city.

Signal No. 3 means that under the influence of a tropical cyclone, winds with a sustained speed of 41 to 62 km/h are expected or blowing and the gusts may exceed 110 km/h in Macau.

At 2 a.m. the tropical depression was located about 560 km south-southwest of Macau moving towards Hainan province.

The statement said that as the winds over Macau’s bridges were expected to be strong and gusty, drivers were advised to pay extra attention to traffic safety. 

Tropical cyclone map issued by the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) late last night


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