IC unveils entrants for 2nd review of subsidy programme

2021-10-26 03:01
BY Rui Pastorin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) announced in a statement yesterday that the review of the “9th Subsidy Programme for Fashion Design on Sample Making” has been completed, with the adjudicating panel selecting 15 entries for a second review.

According to the statement, the programme aims to create opportunities for Macau’s fashion designers to participate in international fashion shows and fairs and for local original brands to be launched in the mainland.

The statement listed the entrants as follows: Siu David, Wong Man I, Lei Wai Cheng, Ding Zhen, Leng Carmen, Cheong Sam I, Fong Chao In, Vong Si Weng, Choi Nga Teng, Chan Nga Leong, Chan Cheok Lim, Tang Si Weng, Lai Ka Pou, Kan Ka Kei and Sun Chan San. Entrants will be notified by telephone and email while the date and venue for the second review and details will be announced in due course, the statement noted.

The statement pointed out that entrants must produce a sample based on the selected work for the second interview and present it to the panel during the second review on a model of their choice, while also introducing their work and answering questions from the panel.

The statement underlined that after the second review, entrants may apply for a subsidy of up to 12,000 patacas to reimburse them for the expenses incurred on making the sample and presentation of the selected work for the second interview.

The panel will select eight beneficiaries, each to receive a subsidy of 170,000 patacas for production of the sample and promotional materials, the statement underlined.

The programme’s details can be found at www.icm.gov.mo/en/CCI-Subsidy and www.macaucci.gov.mo. For enquiries, an IC official named by the statement as a Ms Lam can be contacted on 8399 6205 during office hours.


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