Making Xi core of the Party answers call of history: CPC top researcher

2021-11-12 17:47
BY admin

This week's move to establish Xi Jinping's position at the core of the Communist Party of China (CPC) answers the call of history, a top party researcher said today, adding that it would be "unthinkable" not to have Xi's leadership.

Jiang Jinquan, who heads the Communist Party of China Central Committee's policy research office, made the comment at a press conference in Beijing on the sixth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC, which was held in Beijing between Monday and yesterday.

A communique issued after the session established Xi and his guiding thoughts as a core position of the party, and Jiang said this will be decisive for China's developments under "the new era".

"To establish General Secretary Xi's core position on the Party's Central Committee and in the Party as a whole is the call of the times, the choice of history and aspiration of the people," Jiang said.

"By firmly supporting and upholding General Secretary Xi's core position, the whole party will have an anchor, the entire Chinese people will have a backbone, and the giant vessel of China's rejuvenation will have a steady hand on the tiller."

Jiang added that as China is such a massive country, and with more than 95 million Party members, it would have been hard to achieve anything if the Party had no core.

Jiang also underlined the importance of Xi's thoughts on developing "whole-process people's democracy" for the country.

Jiang said China's system is highly democratic and deeply supported by its people.

"[We] resisted the erosion of so-called Western constitutional governance, multi-party rotations, the separation of powers, and embarked on a democratic path of developing 'whole process people's democracy'," he said through an interpreter.

"China's whole process people's democracy is a complete systemic chain," he added.

Jiang said the Chinese democratic system is genuine, comprehensive, and complete with people's participation.

He also accused Washington of trying to "suppress other countries and split the world" by hosting "a so-called democracy summit" next month, saying it will be held at a time when there are many problems with Western democracies. – RTHK, MPD


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