‘Time Is On My Side – 2021 Greater Bay Area Young Artists Scheme’

2021-11-18 02:50
BY Ula Cheang

           The award presentation for the competition ‘Time Is On My Side – 2021 Greater Bay Area Young Artists Scheme’ (明日可及 – 2021大灣區青年藝術家計劃) and opening ceremony for the winning art pieces exhibition were both held yesterday afternoon at The Londoner Macao.

According to a statement from The Londoner, the event aimed to demonstrate “inclusivity” of the cultural industries in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and highlight the younger generation’s potential in artistic creativity by showcasing their paintings and photography.

The event was sponsored by The Londoner, the statement pointed out, adding that the scheme supports the Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021 series of events organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC).

The statement noted that 415 photographs and 912 paintings were submitted, with three first-place winners, four second-place winners, and five third-place winners in both categories. The statement noted that the winning artists received their award certificates and cash prizes from 25,000 yuan (31,437 patacas) to 100,000 yuan.

The statement also said that Wilfred Wong Ying Wai, president of Sands China Ltd., along with winning artists, members of the judging committee, and leading members of the art community in the GBA attended the event.

According to the statement, the jury members comprised Guan Huaibin (管懷賓), who headed the committee and is the dean of the School of intermedia Art and a professor at the China Academy of Art; Ng Fong Chao (吳方洲), director of the Macau Artist Society, president of the Ox Warehouse and curator of the Macau Museum of Art (MAM); Alexandra Grimmer, director of International Projects at the Department of the Lingshen Art Foundation in Beijing and director of the Lelong Gallery in Zurich; Hu Bin (胡斌), deputy director of the Art Museum of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and professor at the Art Management Department; Wang Lan (汪藍), associate professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) and doctoral supervisor of Fine Arts and Design; Song Zhenxi (宋振熙), the committee’s secretary-general, researcher at the Exhibition of Culture Research Centre of the China Academy of Art and founder of Art Bureau of Investigation (ABI).

Wong said in his opening speech that “the Culture and Tourism Development Plan for the GBA calls for cultural and tourism exchanges promotion, cooperation and coordinated development, with the goal of building an internationally influential area of culture and leisure.”.

Wang mentioned in his speech that “the scheme aims to discover and encourage young artists in the GBA who represent the future of Chinese art and whose creativity and expression deserve greater attention.”.

Local artist Wong Si Ting, one of the three first-place winners in photography, said that participating in the competition made her broaden her perspective and realise that the GBA’s young artists have potential in art creation. Wen Chenmin, from Hangzhou, one of the three first-place winners in painting, said he hoped that the GBA Young Artist Scheme would bring more opportunities in the future for young artists to demonstrate their potential in artistic creativity.

According to The Londoner’s statement, the 24 winning works are exhibited until December 5 on resort’s Level 1.

The Greater Bay Area consists of nine cities in Guangdong province and the nation’s two special administrative regions – Hong Kong and Macau.

The award presentation for the competition ‘Time Is On My Side – 2021 Greater Bay Area Young Artists Scheme’ takes place yesterday in the Kokand Ballroom at The Londoner’s Level 5

The winning art exhibition is on display at The Londoner’s Level 1. Photos: Ula Cheang


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