AMCM urges residents to get finance certs

2021-11-24 02:31
BY Prisca Tang

The Macau Monetary Authority (AMCM) said in a statement yesterday that in order to promote the development of Macau’s modern finance industry, it encourages residents to get finance certifications.

According to the statement, Macau has hosted so far this year six finance certification exams for Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Securities and Futures Intermediaries, and Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macau FinTech Professional Programme. The statement said that the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam will be held in Macau next year. 

AMCM and the Macau Institute of Financial Services collaborated and will be hosting talks in five of the local higher education institutions to promote the importance of taking finance certifications, according to the statement.

Meanwhile, the statement said that AMCM and the Macau Institute of Financial Services have started a website,, for residents to have easier access to information about finance certifications and government subsidies, as well as rewards for getting certified. 

AMCM urged residents to take the finance certification exams in order for Macau to adapt to the world’s financial innovation development. 


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