Sign-up deadline for e-consumption smartcard is Dec 10: govt reminder

2021-12-02 03:45
BY Prisca Tang

The Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) and Monetary Authority of Macau (AMCM) reminded residents in a joint statement yesterday that the deadline to sign up for an e-consumption smartcard is next Friday (December 10).

The two public entities urged those who have yet to register for the e-consumption smartcard to do it as soon as possible as after December 13 residents will not be able obtain the smartcard.

The statement said that for those who prefer the physical smartcard can use the same smartcard as last year when signing up for the e-consumption benefit, adding that if they have lost their card from last year, they would need to report the loss before being able to have a new card. The statement underlined that the sign-up deadline is next Friday and residents will have until December 13 to pick up their physical cards.

For any enquiries about the sign-up, residents can visit, or call the Monetary Authority of Macau on 2856 5071 / 2856 5072. 


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