Ferries set to restart in 3-7 days once Macau lifts quarantine for arrivals from HK: Wong

2021-12-06 03:44
BY Prisca Tang

Water and Marine Bureau (DSAMA) Director Susana Wong Soi Man told reporters yesterday that once mandatory quarantine between Hong Kong and Macau is lifted, the government will approve the resumption of ferry routes between the two cities within three to seven days.

Wong made the remarks yesterday on the sidelines of a hiking event on Guia Hill.

Ferry routes between Hong Kong and Macau have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic for almost two years. Wong underlined that the bureau has always been keeping contact with the two ferry operators. She pointed out that the ferry companies told her that their workers are making sure that the vessels are well maintained during the service suspension.

Meanwhile, during yesterday’s event Wong also said that in recent years people living in Macau have been using 150 litres of water per person daily, which is one of highest among Asia countries. According to Wong, consumers’ tap water fees do not cover the government’s expenditure on raw water supplies. She stressed that the government has been subsidising Macau’s water supply with about 200 million patacas every year, causing a financial burden to the government. She also said that even though the government has no plans to raise the tap water fees, if the economy and social situation gets better in the future, the government might consider making tap water more expensive. 

Water and Marine Bureau (DSAMA) Director Susana Wong Soi Man talks to reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s hiking event on Guia Hill.  Photo courtesy of TDM


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