GEG Celebrates Arts and Culture

2021-12-10 03:38
BY admin

Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) is committed to contributing to the sustainable development of the local arts and cultural industry and increasing Macau’s appeal as a cultural and tourism destination. Over the years, GEG has sponsored and supported various government departments, social service organizations, and arts and cultural associations on hosting a wide variety of arts and cultural events. Recently, GEG has supported a series of diversified arts and cultural events and through its “GEG Venue Partnership Pilot Program”, GEG also sponsored different non-profit organizations on hosting a wide array of arts and cultural activities at Broadway Macau to enhance cultural exchanges within the community. 

Music for All

GEG has proactively supported the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macau SAR Government (ICM) in developing the local arts and cultural sector through different initiatives. This year was the 5th year that GEG supported ICM’s annual music festival “HUSH!! Full Music”, and to invigorate the event, GEG presented the inaugural “hush! kids” stage at the “hush! 2021 Concerts”. The stage was specially designed with vibrant colors to create a fun and interesting atmosphere for its many participants to enjoy quality family time. In addition to music-themed interactive game booths and parent-child workshops, the kid’s stage also provided young people with various opportunities to share their music on stage.

To further bring arts and culture into the community, GEG also invited members of the Macau Down Syndrome Association to participate in the “GEG hush! kids” stage. Accompanied by members of the GEG Volunteer Team, the participants enjoyed a wonderful time playing and listening to the unique rhythm of the Djembe. Besides, GEG also continued its support to the short video competition “hush! 300 Seconds” by sponsoring prizes. Through these initiatives, GEG hopes to spread the joy of music, awaken the musical talents in youths, and cultivate more local music talents, whilst connecting all sectors of the society through music.

Sino-Luso Exchange

Furthermore, GEG also supported the “China and Portuguese-speaking Countries Film Festival” organized by ICM through various ways to facilitate Macau’s development into a platform for cultural exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. Themed “The Gourmets of Cinema”, the Film Festival was part of the third “Encounter in Macao - Arts and Cultural Festival between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries” which showcased 30 outstanding films from China, Macau and Portuguese-speaking countries. In addition to offering Galaxy Cinemas as the screening venue for the opening film “This Is Not What I Expected”, GEG also partnered with the Film Festival on combining the visual and auditory impact of films with the taste and smell of food and beverages at Broadway Food Street. The partnership allowed members of the public who dined in the participating restaurants during the Broadway Food Street Fair to receive free tickets to the opening film, thereby creating synergies that brought forward a cinematic feast of emotions and flavors. 

Throughout the years, GEG has proactively supported the Macau SAR Government on its initiatives to foster the development of arts, culture, recreation, and sports. In support of “Art Macao”, a mega international arts and cultural event organized by the Macau SAR Government, GEG hosted the “GRACE KELLY: From Hollywood to Monaco – Artists' Tributes” exhibition and the “Juxtapose” exhibition in 2019 and 2021, respectively. 

Promoting Cultural Heritages

GEG also advocates the importance of cultural and heritage preservation through different initiatives, such as supporting the “2021 Greater Bay Area Hanfu Festival and Hanfu Exhibition Competition” and “Chestnut Festival” that were concluded at Broadway Macau in November. Besides, GEG also sponsored the Linguistic Society of Macao on hosting the “Language Research and Chinese Language Education in a Multicultural Environment Online Academic Conference” so that Macau’s young researchers can deepen their knowledge of Macau’s multi-lingual environment. Furthermore, GEG also organized a Galaxy Macau visit for professors and students taking the “Macao Historical Heritage Research” course as part of their Master's Program on Macau Studies at the University of Macau, during which they visited the non-profit “GalaxyArt” Gallery. In the future, GEG will continue to help establish Macau as a multi-cultural base for the exchange and cooperation of different initiatives and support Macau on diversifying its economy. 

Community Art Engagement

GEG has provided venue sponsorships and supports to a list of arts and cultural activities organized by the community partners. In November, GEG supported the Women’s General Association of Macau in organizing a musical concert that celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China at Broadway Theater. Besides, GEG also sponsored the Kiang Wu Hospital Charitable Association on hosting a show that celebrated its 150th anniversary and paid tribute to Macau’s medical staff for contributing to the city’s pandemic prevention and control work. GEG also gave support to other arts and cultural activities held at Broadway Theater, including a musical concert that promotes the music of five major religions.


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