Construction worker killed by unstable crane: PJ

2021-12-13 03:30
BY Prisca Tang

The Judiciary Police (PJ) said in a statement on Friday that a 43-year-old non-resident construction worker from the second phase of Studio City was killed by an unbalanced crane on the construction site earlier that day.

The statement said that the accident occurred on the 39th floor of the construction site, adding that the male worker, surnamed Yao, and three others had been told to adjust the crane’s weight. The statement underlined that that when they were adjusting the weight, the crane lost balance and tipped over and one of its parts landed on the worker’s back.

According to the statement, the three other workers tried to rescue him but failed so they decided to ask the police for help. When the firefighters arrived at the scene, the worker was not breathing and had no heartbeat. The statement said that the firefighter immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) but it wasn’t successful. The statement underlined that the case has been transferred to the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) for follow-up, adding that the police will continue investigating the case. The statement added that the case has been classified as fatal industrial accident.

Meanwhile, the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) said in a statement on the day of the accident that it extended its deepest condolences to the worker’s family, adding that it will assist them in the process of claiming compensation for the accident.

The statement said that after the incident, the bureau immediately went to the scene and inspected the site. The bureau urged the contractors and on-site safety workers to ensure that the cranes are well-maintained. The statement stressed that both should provide appropriate guidance and cranes must always be controlled by qualified workers. Before operating the crane, the statement added, contractors must ensure that the crane is balanced and able to carry weight.

The statement underline that the bureau patrols construction sites daily and will immediately halt dangerous construction operations. The bureau urged the construction sector to join its work-site safety courses and read its pamphlets. 


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