Chinese New Year's Message by Foreign Ministry Commissioner Liu Xianfa

2022-01-31 17:54
BY admin

Persevering and working hard, the tiger leaps to a new journey

The bull runs and the tiger leaps, a new chapter of the brilliant spring. On the occasion of the Lunar New Year of the Tiger, I would like to, on behalf of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Macau, wish our compatriots in Macau a prosperous Year of the Tiger, good health, prosperous businesses, and success in everything!

In 2021, we solemnly celebrated the centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) passed the third historical resolution of the Party, successfully achieved the first centenary goal, and started a new journey towards the second centenary goal. China's economic development and epidemic prevention and control have maintained a leading position in the world, with an annual GDP growth rate of 8.1 percent, achieving a good start to the "14th Five-Year Plan". In 2021, major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics will move forward bravely in the game. The diplomacy of the head of state plays a leading role and draws a grand blueprint for building a community with a shared future for mankind. The anti-epidemic diplomacy has demonstrated its international responsibility. Over the past year, it has provided more than two billion doses of vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations. The development of diplomacy is behind China's contribution, and new concepts and measures such as the Global Development Initiative (GDI) have been contributing to the recovery of the global economy. Multilateral diplomacy upholds fairness and justice, the common value of all mankind and the torch of true multilateralism, so that "fake human rights", "fake democracy" and "fake multilateralism" have nowhere to hide. Fulfilling the solemn commitment to the people's diplomacy, the "Spring Seed Action" has vaccinated millions of compatriots in more than 180 countries, and the "Late Boat Return" has become a vivid footnote of diplomacy for the people.

In 2021, with the strong support of the central government and the motherland, the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) government will unite and lead all sectors of society to work hard to effectively prevent and control the novel pneumonia epidemic, the economy will gradually recover, and the legal system and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security will continue to be improved. We resolutely oppose external forces interfering in the affairs of the MSAR, the seventh Legislative Assembly election was successfully held, and the principle of "patriots governing Macau" was implemented. The development of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone has started smoothly, the second five-year plan of the MSAR has been announced and implemented, and Macau has taken a new step in integrating itself into the overall development of the country. Important international events such as the International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Summit Forum were successfully held, making new contributions to the promotion of the "Belt and Road" development. We have gained a deeper understanding, clearer direction, and firmer confidence in the comprehensive and accurate implementation of the "One Country, Two Systems" policy. The great advantages of "One Country, Two Systems" have been further demonstrated, and the prosperous Lotus blossoms with splendour and vitality.

There is no limit to the vastness, sailing with the trade winds. In 2022, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will be successfully held, and the Winter Olympics will enter "Beijing time". China, which has embarked on a new journey, will always walk hand in hand with the world, along the right path of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and push the wheel of history toward a bright future. Strength comes from unity, and happiness comes from struggle. The Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Macau will continue to follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, strengthen its confidence in history, grasp the initiative in history, continue to fully and accurately implement the "One Country, Two Systems" policy, firmly support the Chief Executive and the MSAR government in governing according to the law, and firmly support the MSAR in actively conducting foreign exchanges, expand exchanges and cooperation with countries around the world, especially Portuguese-speaking countries, resolutely oppose external interference in the affairs of the MSAR, and work with all sectors of the MSAR to promote the sustainable economic and social development of Macau, and promote the great practice of Macau's "One Country, Two Systems". In the new journey of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, "the tiger leaps forward"!


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