Filipino caught for drunk cycling: police

2022-02-08 04:09
BY Camy Tam
A Filipino was arrested last Wednesday for cycling under the influence of alcohol earlier that day, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Lam Keong said at a press briefing yesterday.

The 36-year-old jobless suspect surnamed Ramos holds a Filipino passport.

According to Lam, PSP officers on patrol noticed a man riding unsteadily a bicycle in Avenida do Comendador Ho Yin (何賢紳士大馬路). The officers stopped the man and found him reeking of alcohol and gave him a breathalyser test.

Ramos’s alcohol concentration was 1.28 grammes of alcohol per litre of blood. Under questioning, Ramos admitted to drinking during a barbecue party with friends earlier that day in Dr Sun Yat-sen Municipal Park (鴨涌河公園/紀念孫中山市政公園). The case has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) awaiting trial, Lam said.

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Lam Leong looks on during a press briefing at a PSP pressroom yesterday. Photo: Camy Tam


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