Local man sexually harasses woman on bus

2022-02-14 03:28
BY Camy Tam

A local man was arrested on Thursday for sexually harassing a local female passenger on a bus late last month, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chan Wun Man said at a press conference on Friday.

The 25-year-old suspect surnamed U told the police that he works as a warehouse staff.

According to Chan, a woman in her thirties reported to the police that she was sexually harassed by a man on a bus on January 26 in the evening. She told the police that she took public bus route No. 26A from Avenida do Infante D. Henrique on her way home that evening.

The victim said that the bus was crowded and she stood close to the rear door. The man then stood close to her and “rubbed” her buttocks with his private parts, through his trousers. Chan said that the victim looked back and angrily stared at him. The bus arrived at the Ribeira do Patane (沙梨頭海邊街) bus stop at that time and the man hurriedly got off the bus.

After thinking about the matter, the victim reported the harassment to the police the following day. PJ officers identified U as the suspect and arrested him in a flat in Patane district on Thursday morning. Under questioning, U admitted to sexually harassing the woman because he found her attractive, Chan said.

U has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing a sexual harassment charge, according to Chan.


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