3 youths nabbed for graffiti on construction hoardings ‘just for fun’

2022-02-16 03:50
BY Prisca Tang

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lou Chan Fai said during a regular press conference on Monday that three local youngsters were arrested for writing graffiti on multiple construction hoardings on the University of Macau’s (UM) campus and in Taipa “just for fun”.

According to Lou, the arrested youths are male, aged between 21 and 22. Lou said that the trio were taken to a police station for questioning last Thursday, adding that they said they are former secondary school classmates and are now attending different universities in the mainland.

Lou said that the youths claimed that they returned to Macau due to the mainland’s COVID-19 situation during Chinese New Year. Lou pointed out that they admitted their crimes and said that they were willing to pay for the damage.

Lou said that the police received a report from the University of Macau saying that on campus multiple construction hoardings, which belong to the university or public utility companies, had been vandalised. Lou pointed out that the threesome drew their Chinese and English names, nicknames, and various “artistic words”. Lou noted that the cost of repairs will be 15,555 patacas in total.

Lou pointed out that the police confirmed that the trio also drew on construction hoardings in Rua do Delegado, Rua dos Mercadores, Travessa dos Mercadores and other streets in Taipa. However, Lou said, the construction company said that they were not going to take any legal action against the culprits.

Lou said they have all been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) for follow-up questioning. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lou Chan Fai addresses Monday’s regular press conference about the graffiti case. Photo: Camy Tam


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