70-year-old scavenger steals female’s handbag: police

2022-02-17 03:39
BY Prisca Tang

A 70-year-old scavenger stole a woman’s handbag when she was giving out flyers in Praça das Portas do Cerco (Barrier Gate Square), Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Kam Ka Kit said during a regular press conference yesterday. 

According to Kam, a non-resident worker told the police last Thursday she lost her handbag earlier that day after she had left it in a white plastic box. Kam pointed out that she claimed initially to have lost 3,000 patacas. Kam said that the police arrested the local male scavenger surnamed Lo, who said he was unemployed, on Monday, and he admitted that he stole the handbag when the woman was busy giving out flyers. 

Kam underlined that the scavenger will be transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) today. 


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