IAM finds banned substance in wonton

2022-02-18 03:59
BY Prisca Tang

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement yesterday that it has recently tested a wonton sample and found that it contained borax, which is a banned substance.

According to the statement, the problematic wonton was found at Ka Vo Restaurant ‭(嘉和美食)‬ in Areia Preta district. The statement said that IAM officials also discovered that the ingredients for the stuffing inside the wonton were prepared at the eatery, adding that the stuffing would then be sent to Hong Fat  Restaurant for folding and additional work to complete the wonton. The statement said that the wontons were sold in the both eateries.

Wonton is a small round dumpling or roll with a savoury filling, usually eaten boiled in soup.

The statement pointed out the bureau immediately halted the sale of the problematic wontons and started to follow up on the matter. The statement underlined that if the bureau gathers evidence showing that both eateries have breached the Food Safety Law, the person-in-charge could face up to five years behind bars or a fine of up to 600,000 patacas.

The statement noted that borax is usually added to prevent meat or shrimps from turning black and adds texture to the food. The statement said that after borax is consumed it would turn into boric acid, which could easily accumulate in the human body, affecting people’s health. The statement restated that both borax and boric acid are not allowed to be used in food items. 

This table provided by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) yesterday shows a list of banned substances in food items.


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