Flatbed lorry tips over on roundabout: firefighters

2022-03-02 03:14
BY Prisca Tang

The Fire Services bureau (CB) said in a statement yesterday that a flatbed lorry tipped over on the roundabout outside Macau Science Centre.

The statement said that the back of the 67-year-old driver’s head was cut by the broken glass from the windscreen. The statement said that he was able to leave the vehicle of his own volition and was taken to the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre. The statement pointed out that he is in stable condition.

According to the statement, the vehicle knocked over a lamp post, so firefighters called the power utility to cut the electricity for that lamp post so that the areas around are not affected.

The statement also said that the flatbed lorry carried two large air-conditioners, which were lifted by a crane. Firefighters first moved the cargo then used two cranes to flip the lorry upright. 

Workers use a crane to remove two large air conditioners from a flatbed lorry that tipped over on the roundabout near the Macau Science Centre in Nape yesterday. Photo courtesy of TDM


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