Objectivity key to unlock solution to Ukraine crisis

2022-03-04 03:52
BY admin

China Daily Editorial

        Being in the minority or majority of opinion does not determine whether that opinion is the truth.

Thanks to the West’s advantages in, if not dominance of, the global discourse on the Ukraine crisis, some countries have jumped to the conclusion that the narrative it is spinning is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

In contrast, those few countries that are trying to look at what is happening objectively and upholding a neutral and fair stance on the issue are portrayed by the West as being partners in a crime.

However, it should not be forgotten that the United States-led West is a party directly involved in the crisis, which means it has huge interests in advancing its agenda on this matter even under the guise of being an impartial judge and jury.

The responsible way to observe the situation is to recognize that both sides have appeals that need to be heeded and addressed. On the one hand, Ukraine is calling for its sovereignty and territorial integrity to be respected. On the other, Russia is seeking security guarantees.

The reason that the US is so keen to portray Russia’s action as an “invasion” is that it fuels the historical fears of European countries. The Europeans should demonstrate that they have the backbone to exercise their desired autonomy and not be led by the nose by Washington.

China firmly believes that sanctions are never an effective means to solve problems. They only further intensify division and confrontation.

With a second round of talks between Russia and Ukraine due to take place*, with the possibility of a cease-fire reportedly to be discussed among other things, it is crucial that the international community extends its support and encouragement and gives the two sides room to maneuver so they can find a way out of the conflict.

This is especially true for European countries which must break free of the historical bindings of fear and mistrust that led to the formation of NATO and its relentless expansion to corner Russia.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was quoted by domestic news agencies as saying that Moscow believes talks with Ukraine in Belarus can produce results, and it continues to have contact with Washington, through embassies.

While there is no use crying over spilled milk, when it is blood that is spilled, it is a different matter. This conflict has been a long time in the making, and it could have been avoided if there had been more insistence on a collective defense framework for Europe that was not a product of the Cold War.

It is to be hoped that the conflict is now focusing minds on what that might be.

– Courtesy China Daily

* The talks were held last night (Macau time)


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