Residents ask officials about dog muzzling

2016-08-04 08:00
BY admin

Residents attending an explanatory session held by the Civic and Municipal Bureau (IACM) yesterday focused on IACM officials’ evaluation of whether dogs weighing 23 kg or above need to be muzzled or not when being walked in public areas after the Animal Protection Law takes effect on September 1.

According to the new law, dogs weighing 23 kg or above need to wear muzzles unless they pass the evaluation.

Several Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) officials including Administrative Committee members Ung Sau Hong and Choi U Fai, who heads the IACM Division of Animal Control and Inspection, attended the session held at the IACM Activities Centre in the city centre to answer residents’ queries about the law.

Choi U Fai, who heads the IACM Division of Animal Control and Inspection, answers residents’ question during yesterday’s explanatory session about the new Animal Protection Law at the IACM Activities Centre in the city centre. Photo: Angus Wu

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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