PE teacher arrested for sexual abuse of pupil: police

2020-06-15 03:32
BY admin

A physical education (PE) teacher was arrested last Monday for the sexual abuse of a female pupil, the Judiciary Police (PJ) said in a statement on Saturday.

The suspect, whose name was not revealed, was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) last Monday, facing a charge of sexual abuse of a pupil, according to the PJ statement, which did not say whether the suspect has been remanded in custody.

As the victim’s family strongly requested the victim be protected, the police will not disclose further information about the case, according to the statement, which did not reveal the girl’s age.
According to public broadcaster TDM, the suspect and the pupil are from the Workers’ Children High School.

The Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) said in separate statement on Saturday that the bureau received a notice from the court last Tuesday regarding the criminal prosecution of a school teacher who was suspected of sexually abusing a pupil. According to the statement, the bureau immediately contacted and sent a letter to the school where the crime allegedly happened to urge it to cooperate with the court and to suspend the teacher from his duties.

According to the DSEJ statement, all the information about the case will be kept confidential in accordance with the requirements of the pupil’s parents to avoid further harm to the victim. The bureau also asked the school to check whether there are other victims.

The bureau said it was “shocked” by the case and “seriously” condemned the suspect’s behaviour. The bureau also said that it would work with the school to cooperate with the police in solving the matter. The bureau also said that the suspect would not be allowed to teach in any local school during the ongoing court procedures. 


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