Youth Affairs Committee looks at internships & jobs

2022-03-30 03:42
BY Prisca Tang

The government-appointed Youth Affairs Committee reviewed yesterday the work progress for the government’s Macau Youth Policy 2021-2030 programme, and Cheong Man Fai, who heads the Youth Department of the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ), told reporters that the committee this time paid attention to youth internships and employment in particular.

Cheong made the remarks yesterday at a press conference after a plenary meeting of the committee at the bureau.

According to Cheong, her bureau has been keeping in touch with the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) and has been paying close attention to young people’s employment situation. She pointed out that the committee discussed the feasibility of allowing local youngsters to look for internship opportunities in the mainland, adding that, however, the COVID-19 pandemic may make this difficult for the time being.

The bureau said in a statement handed out during yesterday’s press conference about the meeting that in order to keep up to date with the new round of the Macau Youth Policy programme, the committee has decided to “optimise” the family relationship component, as research shows that family relationships directly affect young people’s development. The statement said that the committee has decided to set standards to measure parental relationships, young people’s competitiveness and other aspects.

Cheong noted that last year, 22 government entities launched a total of 200 events about young people’s overall competitiveness and youth’s participation in civil society. She was quick to add she believed that the result was “decent”. She added that every two years, the bureau conducts a survey to collect young people’s ideas on topics such as patriotism, collaboration among Hengqin, Macau and Guangdong, international outlook, and communication abilities. 

Cheong Man Fai, who heads the Youth Department of the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ), addresses yesterday’s press conference after a plenary meeting of the Youth Affairs Committee at the bureau. Photo: MPD


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