‘Stay, Dine and See Macao’ has new offerings

2022-04-04 03:57
BY Rui Pastorin

The Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) said in a statement on Saturday that new offerings will be launched this month onwards, with various tour itineraries to be launched in succession together with events and activities between April and June.

According to the statement, a new itinerary available this month is the skywalk experience at Macau Tower, which also includes Sino-Portuguese maritime culture as well as visits to relevant attractions.

A tour that features Macau’s world heritage sites takes participants to A-Ma Temple (媽閣廟) and the Moorish Barracks (港務局大樓), as well as the Maritime Museum (海事博物館), the statement noted. Participants can also choose between a lunch buffet at the 360° Café of Macau Tower or choose where to have a meal “in the community” using a 100-pataca dining card for this itinerary, the statement noted.

The statement added that the itinerary and fees were also adjusted for the local tours to the Macau Science Centre (澳門科學館) in Nape and Lin Zexu Memorial Museum (澳門林則徐紀念館).

Moreover, the “self-choice itinerary for experiencing Macau at your own style enjoys great popularity”, the statement said, noting that there had been 4,792 signups as of Friday, ranking second after the Coloane tour, the statement underlined.

Meanwhile, from late January until Friday, 20,836 people had signed up for local tours and 6,284 hotel packages were sold, “engaging about 14,884 hotel overnight guests”, the statement pointed out.

Five groups of around 140 participants also toured Macau on Saturday, with itineraries featuring Nossa Senhora Village of Ká Hó and A-Ma Temple, among others.

Further details on signing up for local tours and hotel staycations can be found at https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/en/article/subsidies/macao-tour-hotel

This poster provided by the Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) on Saturday promotes the “Stay, Dine and See Macao” and states the prices of the Hotel Experience and the Local Tours.


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