Residents expect e-consumption benefit scheme to stay the same: vox pop

2022-04-05 03:51
BY Rui Pastorin

Residents in the central district told The Macau Post Daily yesterday that their expectations about the government’s upcoming third e-consumption benefit scheme are that it will remain the same as in the previous round. 

 “I expect that it’s going to be the same as before, which is that we will have a chunk that is actually like cash, sort of like [an] e-cash handout, and the rest is [a] discount” said a local resident aged 23. She added that she hopes the amount will be higher considering the number of people who have lost their jobs. She also commented on the previous scheme’s expanded methods of use: “For me it was so useful because I use MPay a lot”, noting that it was beneficial to not need a separate card when buying while also benefiting from its user rewards. Moreover, she underlined that the scheme was helpful as it also helped reduce spending from her salary.

A 39-year-old non-permanent resident surnamed Kong said that he did not have many expectations, but noted he thought that it’s “good that they [the government] are trying to help consumers to prop up the economy and help this bad situation get better”, adding that the government is handling the situation quite well. Kong said he thought if the scheme turns out to be the same as the previous one, it would be acceptable, noting that previously he was “pretty happy” with the e-consumption card due to its convenience, along with the “fair” discounts. Kong also said, “I hope for more, but even if they didn’t really give anything more, even if they didn’t have another round of this, I would be okay”. 

Wong, a 30-year-old local woman, added that 5,000 patacas, as with the previous round, would be enough. She found the scheme to be helpful, adding that she believed that the government is giving citizens good benefits. She also said that many people need help with their livelihoods during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

A 25-year-old local resident noted that he expects the plan to “to roll out faster and smoother than the previous times since the government has had plenty of practice by now”, saying that with the current financial climate, he was grateful to receive any support. Regarding the method, he commented that e-payment platforms are the direction to move towards due to their convenience, expecting promotions from platforms like MPay and the BOC app. Moreover, he also recounted that when the first round of the scheme launched, it helped him with his daily expenses while he was struggling to find a full-time job. “With how bad everyone got hit financially with this whole pandemic, I’m sure I’m not the only one with the same sentiment”, he added. Regarding the expected amount, he commented that “any amount at this point is a blessing and a big help to most, but it will probably be the same amount as last time” (5,000-pataca startup fund and a 3,000-pataca immediate discount grant). 

Commenting on the help offered by the government, Almas, a Portuguese man aged 62, pointed out that it is “a good thing”, also commenting on the benefits of other schemes for residents such as subsidies and the annual cash handout scheme. “That’s why I think the people in Macau are satisfied”, he said. When asked about the methods available for the scheme, Almas replied that any sort of method that the government decides to push through would be acceptable for the younger residents as “they understand [them] very well”, and that although “it might be a little bit complicated” for the elderly, there are also methods that ease the process for them. 


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