Teenage boy falls victim to online naked chat blackmail: police

2022-04-14 03:38
BY Prisca Tang

A teenage boy fell victim to blackmail after chatting in the nude with a “female anchor” of a livestreaming app, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chan Wun Man said at a regular press conference on Monday.

According to Chan, the boy met the “anchor” on a dating app on Saturday, and then they started talking on another communication app. Chan said that the “anchor” told the boy to install an app called “late night community” (拈區), so he could watch her livestream videos in the future.

Chan noted that not long after the “anchor” asked to video chat with the boy, and after getting connected the boy realised that the “anchor” was completely naked. Chan pointed out that after the boy was persuaded to chat in the nude with her, the boy immediately received a video of his naked self and the “anchor” asked for 10,000 patacas, threatening him that if he failed to pay up, she would release the video to the public.

Chan said that the boy was unable to pay 10,000 patacas so he told his family about the incident, adding that the family agreed that they should report the case to the police. Chan underlined that no money was scammed in the incident. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chan Wun Man looks on during Monday’s regular press conference at the PJ headquarters.
Photo: Maria Cheang Ut Meng


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