The Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) and the Macau Federation of Trade Unions (FAOM) will co-host Public Recruitment Days from Friday to Sunday, according to a statement by the bureau yesterday.
The Macau Federation of Trade Unions is commonly known by its Cantonese name – Gung Luen.
According to the statement, the Public Recruitment Days aim to help job-seekers to get employed “as soon as possible”, in order to adapt to the changing employment environment.
The statement said that the jobs offered at the Public Recruitment Days will cover retail, hotels, catering, banking, security, cleaning, social services and more, with more than 3,000 positions available.
According to the statement, the event will be held at the Venetian Convention and Exhibition Centre on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, while on Saturday and Sunday it will concurrently take place at the Workers’ Stadium next to the Barrier Gate immigration and customs checkpoint.
According to the statement, there will be four designated areas at the Venetian Convention and Exhibition Centre, namely, the “Employment Support Service Area” to help participants understand the current job market and prepare for job interviews, and the “Job Vacancy Showcase Area” to provide specific job information. Once the participants have successfully registered for the job they want, they will be directed to the “Interview Waiting Area”, where they will wait for a job interview that will take place in the “Corporate Interview Area”.
The statement noted that participants must register online for the event through the Macao One Account – the city’s online service application.
The statement stressed that participants must wear a facemask, have their temperature checked and display a valid Macau Health Code.
Further information can be found by visiting the Public Recruitment Days website at, or calling 28722108 / 28700277 during office hours.
This poster provided by the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) yesterday shows details about the Public Recruitment Days that will be held from Friday to Sunday.