‘Lampo Leong: Inktaverse’ exhibition shows ink & digital art

2022-04-21 02:58
BY Yuki Lei

A collection of ink and digital art is being displayed at an exhibition titled “Lampo Leong: Inktaverse”, at Albergue SCM’s A2 Gallery for two months.

The exhibition opened yesterday.

Lampo Leong (梁藍波) is a distinguished professor of Art and doctoral advisor at the University of Macau’s Department of Communication. He is also the director of the public university’s Centre for Arts and Design.

According to an Albergue SCM statement, 20 contemporary ink and digital artworks are showcased at the exhibition to promote the evolution of contemporary ink art toward abstraction as well as the sensibility of postmodernism in the digital age.

The statement points out that the digital ink animations expand the expressive power of ink art by adopting and extending classical Eastern ink painting traditions through Western geometric structure.

The exhibition is organised by Albergue SCM with the Macau Foundation as the sponsor.

Albergue SCM is located at 8 Calçada da Igreja de São Lázaro.

SCM is the Portuguese abbreviation for Macau’s Holy House of Mercy (Santa Casa da Misericórdia). Albergue is Portuguese for hospice.

The exhibition runs until June 1 and is open from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday and from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday with free admission.

In line with the Health Bureau’s (SSM) pandemic prevention measures, visitors must wear a facemask, undergo a temperature check, present a valid green Macau Health Code, maintain social distancing and follow on-site measures.

Photos: Yuki Lei


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