13-year-old boy smokes & sets bin on fire: police

2022-05-04 03:23
BY Prisca Tang

A 13-year-old primary schoolboy was found smoking on a staircase and setting a rubbish bin on fire “just for fun”, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokeswoman Lei Hon Nei said during a regular press conference on Friday.

According to Lei, firefighters were called as some garbage in a bin on a staircase in a building in Rua Central da Areia Preta was on fire, and the cause of the fire was suspicious so they transferred the case to the Judiciary Police for follow up. Lei said that the fire had blackened the walls, and police officers found cigarette ends and a lighter at the scene, while notices issued by the building management had been burnt.

Lei said that PJ officers investigating the case saw a boy smoking on the 29th floor of the building’s staircase last Thursday, adding that the boy immediately ran away but was eventually caught by the police on the second floor of the building. Lei said that the boy admitted that he bought cigarettes from supermarkets and convenience stores, then secretly smoked them in the building’s staircase. He also hid the lighter in the staircase of the building. Lei said that the boy claimed to have set fire to the garbage and building’s notices “just for fun”.

The schoolboy has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) for further questioning.

Due to his age, the boy cannot be charged but he can be ordered to undergo non-penal correctional measures.

Macau’s age of criminal responsibility starts with 16. 


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