Artists fuse visuals, music & food into seasonal performance

2022-05-18 03:32
BY William Chan

A collaborative performance between three musicians, an artist and a bakery owner entitled “Season” will be held at the 100-year-old heritage building Centro de Cultura e Artes Performativas Cardeal Newman de Macau (CCCN Macau) on Sunday, the performers told The Macau Post Daily in an exclusive interview at the centre yesterday. 

The performing group comprises musicians Hong Iat U, Akitsugu Fukushima and Ivan Wing; painter Fan Sai Hong; Mak Mak Store owner Cecilia Wong and curator Pal Lok who aim to present a mixture of different dimensions of sensations to the audience. 

Season, the group pointed out, was the main theme they wanted to explore for the performance. With Hong being the composer for the spring and summer themed songs, Fan said he would be painting his vision of the seasons along the flow of the trio’s music during the live performance. Wong added that she would conclude the concert with her desserts to present her personal take on the smell and taste of spring and summer.

Lok told the press that the Bombax ceiba tree planted outside the venue resonated with their seasonal theme, with its red flowers often falling and covering the house in red. After they had chosen their performing location, the group said they have been working on how to inspire each other with their own artistic endeavours.

Crossing art performance

“It is very hard to describe how the inspiration works in words”, Lok said, “for example, when I eat Cecilia’s cakes, a certain memory emerges from the taste, the memory would be transformed into a set of moods that assists my performances.”

“It was almost as if my previous practices with the group were teaching me directly how I should make my performance”, Fan said, adding, “I simply paint, when I am listening to the music, like an instinct built up by experiences, like riding a bicycle. Hong’s music translates from my ears to eyes.”

“Overall, it is a great experience to work with an artist different to me. It broadens my perspectives of performing music”, Hong said. He added that the Macau musicians remain in their comfort zone too often, and he wished to bring new inspirations to the audience.

Audience experiences  

Hong added that he wanted to provide his audience with the bold new performance he had prepared for over half a year, and confessed that while he probably would disappoint some of them, the process and the risk was the most crucial step for him to explore new ideas and communicate with them. He said he wished to provide value, which comes from his painstaking effort, to the audience, and that was also the reason he always chose live performances whenever he could. 

Fan said that a lot of citizens think they cannot fathom art, and his mission was to show that art can be understood by everyone. Therefore, he said the theme of spring and summer was designed to be very approachable by everyone, and he hoped that everyone can connect to the theme easily with a bit of imagination.

The group’s live performance will be held at the 100-year-old heritage building in Calçada da Vitória this Sunday. The first session will be held at 3 p.m. and the second session at 6 p.m. To purchase tickets, visit Theticket price is 230 patacas. 

Fan will also be holding a painting exhibition from June 1 to June 23 in the ORA Coffee Tap Seac for free, featuring Hong’s music there. 

The group members rehearse at CCCN Macau yesterday.               Photo: Pal Lok  

Undated file photo of Centro de Cultura e Artes Performativas Cardeal Newman de Macau (CCCN Macau) – Photo courtesy of CCCN Macau

This photo taken yesterday shows Fan Sai Hong’s finished painting after the musicians played the song ‘Some Nothing’.                
Photo: Pal Lok


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