‘Art Auction for Master Eddy Murphy 38’ raises over 200,000 patacas

2022-05-19 03:27
BY Yuki Lei

Over 200,000 patacas were raised in the “Art Auction for Master Eddy Murphy 38” which was held last month in Albergue SCM to obtain funds for Master Eddy Murphy’s medical fees, according to a statement by the local CA Cultura (CAC) association yesterday.

A cheque for 249,082.90 patacas was handed to Master Eddy Murphy’s son Hugo Almeida by CAC President Carlos Marreiros at noon yesterday during a cheque presentation ceremony at Albergue SCM.

The auction was hosted by CA Cultura (CAC) on April 30 when 38 artworks were donated for auction to raise funds for Master Eddy Murphy, who is afflicted with bone marrow cancer and undergoing treatment in a Guangzhou hospital at a cost of over one million patacas, which he cannot afford.

Marreiros said during the ceremony that he was grateful to the artists who contributed their artworks for free to the auction, as well as to thank all those who bought the works to support Master Eddie Murphy, adding that nearly 30 pieces were sold within 45 minutes during the auction. Marreiros said he hopes that Master Eddy Murphy will recover soon and promote his martial arts techniques in Macau again.

During the ceremony, Marreiros presented an artwork titled “Tribute to Master Eddie Murphy” to Almeida, which had been purchased by an unknown bidder at the auction, who through a representative wanted Master Eddie Murphy to have it.

Meanwhile, CAC representative Lao Chi Kio told The Macau Post Daily after the ceremony that around 35 works were sold, adding that Master Eddy Murphy is undergoing further treatment in Guangzhou after a bone marrow transplant.

Albergue SCM, also known as Albergue da Santa Casa da Misericórdia (“Hospice of the House of Mercy”) is located at 8 Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro. 

Master Eddy Murphy’s son Hugo Almeida (left) receives a cheque of 249,082.90 patacas at noon yesterday from CAC President Carlos Marreiros at Albergue SCM.
Photo: Yuki Lei


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