Xanana Gusmão lauds China’s efforts for cooperation with Pacific island countries

2022-06-07 00:38
BY admin

DILI – José Alexandre “Xanana” Gusmão, Timor-Leste’s third president, on Saturday expressed appreciation for China’s dedicated efforts to promote cooperation with Pacific island countries.

Gusmãomade the remarks during a meeting with visiting State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Noting that China is of vital importance to the development of Pacific island countries, Gusmão said small and medium-sized countries such as Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste, in the face of similar development tasks, need solidarity to jointly meet challenges, more attention and support from the international community as well as tangible help.

Timor-Leste is East Timor’s official Portuguese name.

Wang’s visit to South Pacific island countries has sent a positive signal that China stands with developing countries, which brings hope to the small island countries, he said.

Looking forward to deepening friendly cooperation with China, Gusmão expressed hope that China will make greater contribution to the development and revitalization of small and medium-sized countries.

Wang said that as a major developing country and a responsible major country, China upholds the diplomatic tradition of treating small and medium-sized countries as equals, and has made efforts to safeguard the interests of developing countries and to help speed up their development and revitalization.

China has never sought the so-called spheres of influence nor taken an interest in geopolitical rivalry, Wang said, adding that some countries misjudge or even smear China, but people of various countries are clear-eyed, with the fruits of cooperation being visible and leaving no room for falsehood.

China has repeatedly made clear its intention of conducting more tripartite and multi-party cooperation to form international synergy in order to help small and medium-sized countries speed up development and revitalization, he said.

Stressing that no country should be forgotten and no region marginalized, Wang said China will continue to stand firmly by developing countries.

Gusmão expressed hope that learning from China’s successful experience and tapping the huge potential of bilateral cooperation will help Timor-Leste and other small and medium-sized countries achieve self-reliant and diversified development.  – Xinhua, MPD

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (left) poses with Xanana Gusmão, Timor-Leste’s third president, in the half-island nation’s capital on Saturday. – Xinhua


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