Lawmaker urges consensus on possible Land Law amendments

2016-08-17 08:00
BY admin

Lawmaker-cum-businessman Chan Meng Kam said yesterday that a wide consensus throughout civil society should be obtained before any possible amendments to the Land Law.

Chan made the remarks during a press conference on the work for the 2015-2016 legislative session by Chan, Si Ka Lon and Song Pek Kei, at one of the trio’s service centres in the city, in Zape.

The term ended on Monday.

The three lawmakers won directly-elected seats in the legislative election in 2013 as candidates of the United Citizens Association of Macau, which won more directly-elected seats than any other group.

Lawmaker-cum-businessman Chan Meng Kam addresses yesterday’s press conference. Photo: Tony Wong

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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