Local virtuoso pianist sparkles with MO

2022-06-13 03:30
BY Review by William Chan

The first time I saw Cheong Hoi Leong’s performance was in the summer of 2018 when he performed Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2 with the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra. 

Back then, the 18-year-old pianist already displayed brilliant expressions for the lushly romantic concerto. This time, Cheong performed Chopin’s first concerto not only with enthusiasm, but also with masterful techniques which allowed him to interpret Chopin’s first concerto with poise and ease, with guest conductor Hu Yongyan leading the Macao Orchestra (MO) at the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM) on Saturday.

Cheong seldom detracted himself from the music’s character, and while at times the counter melodies of the orchestra sounded dissonant with Cheong’s, the soloist’s sublime interpretation came through in the quieter sections. Especially in the second movement, Cheong answered exquisitely to the wonderful bassoon solo with great care over dynamics and phrasing. At first, I was piqued by the slower tempo, since it magnified the tuning and rhythmic inaccuracies of the orchestra, but Cheong’s expressive legato playing eventually changed my mind, and the performance ended to thunderous applause. I certainly look forward to seeing the young talent perform in the future with a more daring and playful approach to his music-making!

The Macao Orchestra’s performance on the third symphony of Brahms was surprisingly wonderful. While the orchestra could have had better control over the dynamics and tidiness over the first and second movements, and on some occasions the high strings and horn section seemed to be out of tune, its third movement really showcased the strength of the orchestra. Starting with the golden tone of the cellos, the orchestra slowly crescendoed and gave full weight to the composer’s intense section, with the occasional support of the brilliant first-stand solos, such as oboe, flute and horn, penetrating the string section through to the audience. 

Bravo to Hu, Cheong and the Macao Orchestra! 

Local pianist Cheong Hoi Leong plays the Chopin Piano Concerto No.1 with the Macao Orchestra (MO) at the Macau Cultural Centre on Saturday. - Photo courtesy of MO


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