YAP participants take part in various community activities

2022-06-17 04:15
BY Rui Pastorin

Resort operator Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) said in a statement this week that it has recently arranged for its GEG Youth Achievement Programme (YAP) participants to join various community activities, including the “Emergency Preparedness Talk for Elderly” and a food hampers distribution activity at the Welfare Shop of Macau Holy House of Mercy (SCMM).

GEG has been co-organising YAP with the Macau Management Association (MMA) since 2011 to offer local youngsters opportunities for self-awareness, career development, and community involvement, the statement noted.

To prepare the elderly for disasters and heighten alertness during the typhoon and rainy season, GEG cooperated with several government entities such as the Public Security Police Force (PSP), Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) and Peng On Tung Tele-Assistance Service (Peng On Tung) to co-organise the “Emergency Preparedness Talk for Elderly” for 40 Peng On Tung senior users, the statement said. This is the fourth year that GEG has co-organised the activity with government entities.

Together with YAP participants and GEG volunteers, the seniors were introduced to various precautionary measures and disaster prevention safety tips, including the Civil Protection Law, the statement said. The participants also delivered “Family Kits” consisting of necessities to elderly users’ homes to prepare them for the typhoon season, with GEG hoping to give the young generation a “chance to understand the daily needs of the elderly, and to communicate and interact with them”, the statement said.

Furthermore, they also visited the Civil Protection Operations Centre, where they watched the “Crystal Fish 2022”, attended a related seminar and participated in an interactive broadcast simulation experience.

Crystal Fish 2022 was a typhoon drill carried out by government entities and local volunteers in April.

GEG has also donated 300,000 patacas to support SCMM’s Welfare Shop’s daily operation, which GEG has supported for the 10th consecutive year, the statement said. YAP participants and GEG volunteers also assisted in distributing food hampers containing items such as rice and canned goods to over 370 low-income families. The statement added that evacuation plan leaflets for typhoons were also given to families for disaster prevention awareness.

The statement underlined that GEG will continue to support the development of the new generation, and “fulfil its pledge by extending care across the community to contribute to Macau’s stability”. 

This undated handout photo provided by Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) shows a participant in the GEG Youth Achievement Programme (YAP) and a GEG volunteer introducing precautionary measures and safety tips to senior citizens.


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