72-year-old rider in ICU after falling off scooter

2016-08-22 08:00
BY admin

A 72-year-old local man was critically injured yesterday after he fell off his scooter, sustaining severe head injuries, in Avenida de Horta e Costa.

A spokesperson for the Public Security Police (PSP) told The Macau Post Daily last night that a lump of concrete that had apparently fallen from a residential building was found at the scene, adding that the reason the man fell off his scooter – hitting his head on the piece of concrete, or falling off trying to avoid it – was being investigated.

The spokesperson also said that whether the lump of concrete, which weighed 4.7 kilogrammes, fell off the building or someone dropped or threw it from the building was still being looked into.

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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