DSAL urges workers to take precautions to prevent heatstroke

2022-07-26 03:18
BY Yuki Lei

The Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) urged those providing public services, such as security, cleaners, public bus drivers, takeaway food deliverers and taxi drivers as well as nucleic acid test station (NAT) staff, to take precautions in order to prevent heatstroke during the high temperatures.

A statement by the Labour Affairs Bureau yesterday said that as the local observatory has issued an orange hot weather alert, predicting extremely hot weather with a maximum temperature of over 36 degrees Celsius, outdoor workers must pay more attention to taking precautions, including wearing light-coloured, thin and breathable work clothes and replenish fluids and electrolytes regularly, in order to prevent heatstroke

The statement underlined that employers should pay close attention to temperature changes and arrange a rotational working schedule for staff. The statement added that employers should arrange for workers who spend a long time in high temperatures and humidity to take regular rests in a cool and well-ventilated place.

According to the statement, working in high temperatures and humidity for a long time may cause dysfunction of the central nervous system, meaning the human body can’t sweat and control the body temperature, causing heatstroke. 

This poster provided by the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) yesterday urges workers to take precautions to protect themselves from heatstroke.


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