Tam’s trip to Rio Olympics ‘beneficial’ to Macau: official

2016-08-09 08:00
BY admin

Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Alexis Tam Chon Weng’s trip to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, accompanied by a delegation of the Macau Olympic and Sports Committee, was “beneficial to Macau’s development” in sports, Ip Peng Kin, Tam’s chief-of-cabinet, said yesterday. 

Ip made the remarks when asked by reporters about the trip after attending a committee meeting at the Legislative Assembly (AL).

Tam and the delegation attended the Summer Olympics opening ceremony in Rio de Janeiro on Friday (Saturday morning in Macau). They also met representatives of Olympic committees from Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe at a dinner in the city, according to a statement released by Tam’s office on Sunday. The statement added that Tam and other members of the Macau delegation also visited the Athletes’ Village and sports facilities during his stay in the city.

Ip Peng Kin, chief-of-cabinet of the Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture, talks to reporters after attending a committee meeting at the Legislative Assembly (AL). Photo: Davis Ip

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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