No more COVID-19 self-tests needed during stabilisation period: health chief

2022-07-29 18:53
BY admin

People in Macau will not need to self-test for COVID-19 every day anymore from next Tuesday, provided that this weekend's 14th round of mandatory citywide nucleic acid tests (NATs) does not unearth any positive cases of the disease, Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lo Iek Long said this afternoon.

Speaking during the daily press conference by the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre, Lo said the government's "stabilisation period" could then start on Tuesday, following its 10-day "consolidation period" which is slated to end on Monday, provided that no positive cases are detected in the community by then.

Lo said the stabilisation period is scheduled to last one week, after which Macau's "normalisation period" would start, i.e., the return to the situation before the current outbreak, which began on June 18.

Lo said that those going to work will still need to undergo a nucleic acid test every three days, while those from eight high-risk key groups will continue to be undergoing tests every day. The key groups include renovation workers, cleaners, restaurant staff and taxi drivers.

Macau's health chief also said that 3-day negative NAT proof will be required during the stabilisation period to enter a restaurant and other premises where people do not always wear a facemask.

The 14th round of mass NATs will be held tomorrow and on Sunday. Everyone in Macau must undergo the tests, there will be no exemptions, according to the press conference.


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