Govt resumes normal operations today

2022-08-02 03:33
BY Yuki Lei

The Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) announced in a statement yesterday that all public entities will resume normal operations today.

According to the statement, after returning to normal operations, the public entities should adopt measures to avoid crowding as much as possible, such as by providing online and phone appointments. The statement added that they should also implement COVID-19 prevention measures for members of the public, including requiring them to wear their facemask and maintain on-site social distancing, as well as checking their Macau Health Code.

In addition, the statement noted, the public entities should check and ensure their respective service providers, such as cleaning workers and security guards have undergone their nucleic acid tests (NATs) in accordance with the Health Bureau’s (SSM) COVID-19 prevention and control measures.

More public facilities reopen today

Meanwhile, government entities including the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM), Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Sports Bureau (ID) announced in separate statements yesterday that their respective public facilities, such as libraries, free sports grounds, children’s playgrounds, outdoor fitness equipment, barbecue pits, and sports facilities, reopen to the public today.

According to the statement by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), Mong-Ha Villas, the Old Courthouse, Macau Contemporary Art Centre-Navy Yard No.1 and No.2, Taipa Houses-Museum, Zheng Guanying Memorial Museum, and Ye Ting’s Former Residence remain, however, closed for the time being for various reasons.

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in its statement that people can make appointments for IAM facilities, such as barbecue pits in Hac Sa Beach via the IAM advance booking system for green facilities.

The Sports Bureau said in its statement that the swimming pools of D. Bosco College Sports Centre, and Taipa Northeast Sports Centre remain closed. The statement added that people using the Sports Bureau’s facilities must show their negative NAT result valid for three days, wear their facemask, undergo a temperature check, scan the respective venue QR code and submit their Macau Health Code when entering the premises.

Water sports permitted at Cheoc Van & Hac Sa beaches

The Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA) announced in a statement yesterday that swimming and other water activities in the sea will be allowed from today at the city’s two beaches – Cheoc Van (“Bamboo Bay”) and Hac Sa (“Black Sand”).

The bureau urged beachgoers to wear their facemasks when out of the water, maintain on-site social distancing and avoid crowds.

The bureau reminded people visiting the beaches to follow the Health Bureau’s (SSM) COVID-19 prevention guidelines, adding that they should maintain their on-site social distancing when they take off their facemasks during swimming or doing other water activities.

The statement underlined that people should put on their surgical facemask or one with a higher standard after engaging in water activities, such as swimming. The statement added that people should minimise activities in which they need to take off their facemasks.

Banks resume normal operations today

The Macau Monetary Authority (AMCM) said in a statement yesterday that starting today all financial institutions, such as banks, resume normal operations.

According to the statement, in the early days of the resumption of normal operation, more residents may visit bank branches so the AMCM has required the city’s financial institutions to take measures to channel the flow of customers, including distributing queueing tickets, assisting customers in using self-service machines, and setting up counters for senior citizens, so as to avoid crowds on the premises. 

This undated handout photo provided by the Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA) yesterday shows a lifeguard and beachgoers in Hac Sa.


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