More sports facilities reopen today: ID

2022-08-09 03:37
BY Rui Pastorin

More sports facilities will reopen today such as Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion’s table tennis room, Sport Easy Service Centre and Pavilion B, as well as the D. Bosco College Sports Centre – Swimming Pool, according to a statement by the Sports Bureau (ID) yesterday.

Most of the bureau’s sports facilities have gradually been reopening since last Tuesday.

The statement noted that COVID-19 pandemic prevention measures will continue to apply. Users must wear a facemask properly at the venues, undergo a temperature check, present a valid green Macau Health Code and scan the venue QR code.

The bureau pointed out that it will continue to enforce disinfection at all venues and urged members of the public to maintain good personal and environmental hygiene, as well as observe social distancing when using public sports facilities.

Moreover, members of the public are reminded to avoid overcrowding upon entering the facilities and make efforts towards pandemic prevention while using sports facilities, the statement underlined. Further details can be found at or calling 2823 6363. 


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