MUR helps Son Lei House condo owners form management committee

2022-08-09 03:44
BY Rui Pastorin

The condominium owners of Son Lei House, one of the seven blocks of flats comprising Iao Hon Estate, have been assisted by Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) in setting up a management committee, the Macau government-owned company said in a statement yesterday.

MUR, the statement noted, is promoting the Iao Hon Estate old neighbourhood renewal project, and it is assisting condominium owners from the estate’s seven blocks of flats in arranging general assembly meetings, as well as creating management committees (aka property owners’ associations). In doing so, the company aims to unite homeowners and encourage them to “play an active role in the estate’s redevelopment process”.

The statement pointed out that in June, MUR assisted Son Lei House’s condominium owners in arranging a general assembly meeting at the General Union of Neighbourhood Associations of Macau’s (UGAMM) Iao Hon Community Centre for the redevelopment plan to gradually move forward.

UGAMM is commonly known in Cantonese as Kai Fong.

The statement said that at the meeting, the condominium owners deliberated and passed a resolution on the following: appoint a general committee and a chairperson from the general assembly of condominium owners to conduct the meeting and prepare its meeting minutes; the condominium management committee’s name and election of the management committee’s members; and authorising the management committee to open a bank account for a sinking fund, i.e., a fund set aside for upcoming expenses.

The company pointed out that the condominium owners of the estate’s six other blocks of flats will be assisted in creating property owners’ associations, while also maintaining good communication with them to promote discussions on the redevelopment plan’s direction and details. 

This handout photo provided by Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) yesterday shows the company assisting Son Lei House property owners in setting up a management committee sometime in June.


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