UNESCO Centre showcases work by Cheong Cheng Wa

2022-08-10 03:12
BY Yuki Lei

A printmaking exhibition by local artist Cheong Cheng Wa (蔣靜華) is being held at the UNESCO Centre of Macau in Nape until next Monday.

The exhibition, which is sponsored by the Macau Foundation (FM), is part of the Macau Young Artists Promotion Project, and Cheong is the ninth participant in the project.

According to a recent statement by the public foundation, Cheong graduated from the Macao Polytechnic Institute in 2003, which was officially upgraded to Macao Polytechnic University in March this year, with an associate degree in Graphic Design.

The statement said that in 2008 Cheong obtained a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the Higher School of Fine Arts and Design Toulon Provence Méditerranée (l’ ésadtpm) in France, majoring in video installation, adding that she served as the art director for several local films after returning to Macau.

The statement pointed out that Cheong won the “ Macau Printmaking Second Triennial “, which is an international contest of printmaking, with her work “Macao People”. Cheong also obtained a master’s degree in Art Culture Management from the ISC Paris Business School.

The exhibition “Process of Experience (“歷・程”) ” allowed Cheong to rethink her motivation and purpose of artistic creation during her learning experience and creative process in her further four years of study in France, the statement said, adding that apart from the finished experiential artworks, there are also exhibits that show her creation steps, so that members of public can understand the creation process of the works, and appreciate them from different levels, so as to deepen the understanding of Cheong’s creative interpretation while strengthening their appreciation of the art of printmaking.

According to the statement, the exhibition displays 32 groups and pieces of printmaking. A collection of works of the same name has been published.

The UNESCO Centre of Macau at 403 Alameda Dr Carlos d’Assumpção in Nape opens daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free.

In line with the government’s COVID-19 prevention and control measures, all visitors entering the venue must wear a facemask, undergo a temperature check and show their Macau Health Code.

For enquiries, call 2872 7066 or email unesco_info@fm.org.mo.


Photos: Yuki Lei


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