Definition of ‘time’

2022-08-15 04:03
BY Yuki Lei

What is the time? Time is intangible, though it is important to all of us. Time can be counted but it cannot be turned back. Time can be fast but also slow depending on how you spend it.  A secondary school teacher once told our class: “You should cherish the time spent with your classmates next to you in the class, otherwise you will feel regret one day for not treasuring the time you are in school”, which I previously strongly disagreed with, especially when I wanted to escape as quickly as possible from my tough learning experience at that time. So, what is time actually and how does it affect our life?

Time is amazing, the sentence that I previously hated and disagreed with became a fact when I grew up. And the time that I spent in secondary school has become the most treasured time of my life. I missed the time that I had spent with my classmates, the days that we studied economic tests at McDonald’s, the moments that we made fun of our teachers and the times that we got together for the fried rice noodles during recess …… the toughest times have become the most important memories.

We always think that time is long, especially when we are doing something that we do not like or we want to avoid. I always think that there is a lot of time for me to complete a thing, for example, this article – Time, which took two days to complete. Before I started writing the story, I was thinking that there were two days left for me to write it, so I wrote it slowly and took a rest after I finished one paragraph. However, time is not as long as I imagined, in fact, it went so fast that I could not chase it. As a result, I became a deadline fighter who rushed through the article.

Time is short but can be classified as “fast”. Days before, I had lunch with my friend who was also one of my classmates, at a restaurant near the place that we have always hated and wanted to escape from – our secondary school. When we chatted about our past experiences in the school, we found that we did not hate the school anymore, indeed we wanted to go back to the time when we were still secondary school students who learnt with a group of people without any problems. The time that we were dealing with the balance of the numbers in accounting had already passed so quickly that it looked like it had just passed in “a few days”, indeed, more than four years have passed since then and we are now freshmen in society who are looking for our next journey.

However, although time can run so fast, it can also be slow in some way, for example, with COVID-19, which has been affecting our lives for almost three years, we have been wearing facemasks for “a long period of time”. However, on the contrary, the time has passed quickly that many of us might not have realised that COVID-19 has been around for a few years, which has brought us many impacts, such as the impact on the city’s economy and the impact that blocks us from travelling overseas.

So, what is “time”? Time is a “thing” that can make us feel regret, regret about the time that we did not treasure when we were still students. Time is also a “thing” that can affect us silently. Although time is intangible, it can always influence us in different ways, good or bad? The answer is in your hands! 

Photo courtesy of Unsplash.


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