Furniture store owners fall for fake order scams from 'school'

2022-09-13 03:22
BY William Chan

Two furniture store owners reported to the police last week that they were scammed by a duo consisting of a “school staff” and a “bed supplier”, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam said at a regular press conference on Friday.

One of the owners told the police on Wednesday that recently he received a purchase order for 80 bed bunks from a “school staff” ordering on behalf of his or her “manager”. After the price was negotiated, the “school staff” sent a “receipt” to the victim, but claimed that since the “manager” was in the mainland the “bank transfer” was still “being processed”.

 Ho added that the “school staff” then ordered 70 mattresses, a specific brand that the victim’s store did not have. The fraudster then gave the contact of a “mattress supplier” to the store owner and told him that he could buy the mattresses from the “supplier”, after which he could sell them to the “school” for a profit. 

According to Ho, the victim fell for the scam and paid the “supplier” a total of 417,000 yuan (486,800 patacas) for the purported mattresses, after which the victim lost contact with the two suspects. The other furniture owner reported a similar case to the police on the same day, losing 60,000 yuan in the scam, Ho said. 


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