Chinese mission refutes EU leader's ideology-oriented remarks on China

2022-10-22 21:32
BY admin

BRUSSELS – The Chinese Mission to the EU has refuted remarks on China by an EU leader, calling for promoting sound and stable development of China-Europe relations.

At the press conference after the European Council meeting on Friday, a European leader said that EU-China relations were getting tense and the EU needed to be vigilant when it comes to dependencies on China.

In response, a spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the EU, said in a statement that the remarks are deeply ideology-oriented. "Behind today's complicated and turbulent international situation, one important reason is that there are still some people who cling on to bloc politics mindset, priding their own values as the absolute truth and wantonly imposing their ideology on others," the spokesperson said.

"The diversity of the world lies in the diversity of its civilizations. It has always been China's position to advocate dialogue, mutual understanding and tolerance among different civilizations. China, meanwhile, equally opposes and urges all to stay alert to the rising clamor for ideological confrontation, which might lead to clashes or even confrontations among civilizations. Instead of scapegoating others for their own malaise, one should always take a good reflection on itself in the first place."

"Faced with multiple challenges such as military conflicts, economic slowdown and energy crisis, it is all the more necessary for all countries to work together," said the statement.

"We always believe that China and the EU are partners rather than rivals, and that China-EU cooperation far outweighs our competition," it added.

"Cooperation is the only way that can benefit us both, while conservatism and regression are a road that leads nowhere. We hope that the European side will establish a clearer understanding of the current situation, approach China-Europe relations in an objective manner, and walk with us in the same direction," the statement said.

"By upholding the principle of mutual respect and seeking common ground while reserving differences, we can promote the sound and stable development of China-Europe relations, and inject more stability and positive energy into this turbulent and fast-changing world," it added.

– Xinhua


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